Being able to stand in the shadow of a great master means receiving his support or protection, letting the teaching pass through presence and reach those who have the perseverance to remain humbly close to great knowledge.
In the Contact MMXX exhibition, set up at the Carlo Zauli Museum, Gabriele Resmini and Luca Pellegrino strongly wanted to pay homage to one of the great masters of the last century, who inspired their work, and, through his work, was able to teach over time . The big wheel, a work located in the room at the end of the Zauli museum route, always excites everyone: for its presence and the large crack in the center which signified an important change in the master's life and which continues to tell us about our changes. Perhaps for this reason, in the layout of the Museum we find ourselves in a room that gives us time to contemplate it, but not to continue: you enter and you have to exit, go back, review the route with a new awareness.
The artists approached with humility and respect, they placed themselves at the foot of the work, and following their research path they ideally showed their work to the master. They designed and created an installation, starting from the projection of the shadow that the Big Wheel makes on the platform and on the ground, underlining that thin area with pieces of glass, a material that allows us, not surprisingly, to see through, to have a vision different. Inside the large shadow they then placed five ceramic pieces, a revisitation of the vascular shapes studied and reworked by tradition and a new, autobiographical vase. The search for purity of form, which is typical of artists who work through synthesis, projections and plans, in dialogue with the entire museum, is underlined by the study of colour: a particular type of grey, of their invention, close to the research on white by Zauli, almost as if the same pieces could become a shadow in the great shadow.
Lying down, standing or lying down, as if to remind us to always look from other points of view; almost like a fall, from which we can only get up by seizing the possibility that this new situation offers us.
A vase is a vase, many would say... but Zauli teaches us that we can upset it, rethink it, recreate it to give it voice, new functions, new meanings.
This installation, highly emotional and engaging, as Gabriele and Luca always know how to do, welcomes us and gives us a new space in which to be. And in this being, in the shadow, balanced between materials and colors that seem different, in a time that crosses times, we find an out-of-place for our being.
Mara de Fanti
Presentato presso il "Museo Carlo Zauli - Sala della grande ruota" in Faenza
26 luglio 2021
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